International Voluntary Work Who-Why-What

Ten międzynarodowy projekt był realizowany przy wsparciu finansowym Komisji Europejskiej w ramach programu „Uczenie się przez całe życie”.

Partenariat éducatif GRUNDTVIG, International Voluntary Work – Who – Why – What, partenariat éducatif Grundtvig (2011 – 2013), n°2011-1-DK1-GRU06-03530 6, 3rd Partner meeting in Nowy Sacz

3rd Partnermeeting in Nowy Sacz, Poland, June 26 – 28, 2012

Nowy Sacz is one of the oldest towns of Lesser Poland province, and has a lot to offer in terms of tourism. It is located at the foot of several mountain ranges – Beskid Sadecki from the south, Beskid Wyspowy (west) and Niski (southeast). Lake Roznowskie, situated in close proximity to it, is another holiday attraction of this small town of 84,000 people. This is a good starting point to explore the beautiful environs of Beskidy and Pieniny, and getting here is easy. Nowy Sacz is a home town of Cumuslus Association – polish [artner in Involw Grundtvg Partnership.

SUNDAY 24-th June
19.30 – 22.30 Welcome dinner at Bohema Restaurant

Sunday evening we met in in quite big representation at Bohema Restaurant, and have “welcome” dinner. Many members of Cumulus Association come to Nowy Sacz from different towns where they are living. After dinner we watch exciting Euro 2012 quarter finals England vs. Italy and support European Friendship.

MONDAY 25-th June

9.45-11.45 Workshop session (conference room Hotel Panorama).

Greek representation followed us from that point. They just arrived from Cracow. Because it was beginning of their participation, All we must introduce ourselves again. Greek team prepared detailed presentation about their organization, and we discussed project topics one more time for well-understanding.

12.00 – 12.40 1-st Study Visit at Emaus – shelter (Towarzystwo im. Brata Alberta).

Emmausis a community ofpeopleafflicted byfate.Some of themembers of the communitywereunemployedin the past, others have lost theirhomes.They set up acommunitytowork togetherfor a decentlife andearna living. Communityexists inNowy Sacz since 15 yearsat Szwedzka street no18 (since 1999). Here,with the help ofa numberof EuropeanCommunitieshas beena hugeexpansion andmodernization of thefacilityat the time ofthe”born” EmmausCommunity. Todaythe communityis workingtogetherfor a decentandhonest life, to builda more justsociety andhelp thosewho are experiencingpoverty and exclusion. We visited theshopof second-hand items and workshops offurniture restorationconducted bymembers of the community.We alsotalkedwith the staff.

13.00 – 13.45 2-nd Study Visit at Sursum Corda – volunteering centre in Nowy Sacz.

Sursum CordaAssociationwas foundedin 2000, in an environmentofpeople with earlier,several years longpersonalexperience involunteering.It isa non-governmentalorganization, not involved inpolitics,does not work forprofit.Is based on ahighly qualifiedand experiencedmembers and thecollaborators including volunteers. Uses moderntechnology, thoughtful strategies. Association ofSursum Corda(Latin. „Lift up your hearts”) implements activitiesthat teachself-reliance, develop an attitudeof mutualsubsidiarity, creativity and responsibility for othersand yourself. Gives “a fishing rodrather thana fish”. Creates theconditions formutualhelp, in a climateof trust,clear rules andconsequences.
•workingwith young people whowant to beactive, I want to grow andwant togain new experiences
•promotesand developsthe idea ofvolunteering as aspecificand measurableform ofsocial engagement
•supportingchildren and young peoplein difficult situationsby teachingresourcefulnessandpersonaldevelopmentpotential
• providesrehabilitationfor people who wantto change their lives
•providesprofessional helpfor psychological andpedagogical
•inspires toaction, putting on effective solutions

14.00 lunch at Ratuszowa Restaurant – Pierogi Paradise

Pierogi – (eng. The dumplings) is the dish which is popular mostly in Eastern Europe esp. In Poland. Pierogi are made from thin dough which is stuck on the edges and filled inside. Shaped in the half circle shape is then cooked or sometimes deep-fried. Pierogi filling could be various: meat, chees, vegetables all all this mixed together.

6.30 Departure from Nowy Sacz to nearby little town Stary Sacz

Stary Sącz is town located in southern Małopolska region, at the foot of the Beskid Sądecki Mountains. Not only does it offer a well-preserved architectural layout, the houses and monastery preserving the remembrance of over 700-year-old history of the town, and the landscape of the Carpathian Mountains in an exceptional form, but it is also associated with tranquility and good food, culture intertwined with tradition.

17.00 – 17.45 3-th study Visit at volunteering informal organization „Group St Paul Opoka Centre” in Stary Sacz.

Groups calledSt. Paulthe Apostle Team is an informal, voluntaryyouthcenteroperating at acenter of pilgrimage “Opoka” (Bedrock). It was createdto assist thepilgrimsand religious ceremonies, but within a fewyears of operationhas expanded itsactivitiesto assistin the organizationof cultural events, assistance to the elderly poeple. During the visit,we met withmembers of the group. We participatedin theweekly Wednesday meeting ofmembers.We had also an interview withFather Tadeusz Sajdak creator, tutor and supervisor of Voluntary Team.

 18.15 Wola Krogulecka village. View point.

After visiting voluntary organization we departed to nearby mountain village Wola Krogulecka. Trip wasa chanceto seea typicalmountainvillagein the Beskidy Mountainsandpryrurallife. Above Thevillageis agoodview pointoverlooking thevalleyof Poprad River and Beskid Sadecki mountain range.
Beskid Sądecki – a mountain range in the western part of the Carpathian Mountains , is a part of Western Beskidy. It covers the area of about 670 km. The highest peak Radziejowa is 1262 m high. Mountains were formed as sedimentary rocks of the Magura Nappe and are rich in mineral springs and spas.

 19.00 – 19.30  Old Town of Stary Sacz – sightseeing

We saw all mayor town attractions such as: Poor Clare Nuns Monastery, Trinity and St. Clara Church, John Paul II Altar. Main Square and Regional Museum.

19.30 – 21.00 Dinner at Marysieńka Restaurant terrace overlooking rynek of Stary Sacz

 TUESDAY 26-th June

9.30 – 10.45  4-th study Visit „Third Age University” in Nowy Sacz

The University of the Third Age is an NGO whose aims are the education and stimulation of retired members of the community – those in the third 'age’ of life. In the polish model it is acknowledged that retired people have a lifetime of experience and, collectively, a vast amount of knowledge. This is used to arrange a syllabus for each subject where each meeting is normally led by a member of the group with specialist knowledge. University of the Third Age in Nowy Sacz is not the biggest (ab. 500 members) but one of most strongest in that kind of organisation in Poland, leads nationwide Association of Third Age Universities in Poland.

11.00  Partnership Meeting at Cumulus Headquarter + coordinators’ meeting


Partners were urged to become more active contributors to the and our Facebook profile. All have got passwords.
Changing of meeting Dates previously decided couse of including new Partner to Partnership ( meetings in Denmark – November 2013, and Poland – January 2013 and final meeting in Greece – May 2013.
Discussion about polish model of volunteering compared to other countries (France, Denmark, Greece). Similarities anddifferences.
Discussion about future possible cooperation and creating a network of networks in that and I future Grundtvig project
Invitation to FO Aathusand and Their Partner Ældresagen to partipipate in Third Age Forum in Nowy Sacz in September 2013.

13.00-15.30 Sightseeing Skansen & Miasteczko Galicyjskie + lunch at skansen

The Sącz Ethnographic Park is a regional skansen of the wooden architecture and traditional folk cultures of the historic Sącz region. There is 75 objects on display here including farms with auxiliary buildings, a manor house from the 17th c.(with a unique polychromy in its interiors), a manorial grange and 18th-century sacred architecture: a Roman Catholic church, a Greek Catholic church and
a Protestant church.
One can also find a village school, the elements of Carpathian Gypsy settlements and detached buildings used for rural industries (a forge, oil mill, a windmill). The newest part of the Park is the Galician Town, presenting the building of a little town from the end of the 19th century. Sector of Josephine Colonists presents the culture of the german ocal ethnic minoroty. Reconstruction of the original development consists of three homesteads and an evangelical church. One of the homesteads shows a typical interior (kitchen, stable, chamber, alcove) and articles for daily use. The other one houses temporary exhibitions.

Galician Little Town. It consists of a town hall with an exhibition of archival maps, well-equipped firehouse, manor house and tenement houses, concentrated around a market square. In the tenement houses one can visit a potter’s workshop, a watchmaker’s shop and a photographic studio, etc.

16.00 Return to centre of Nowy Sacz/hotel and departure to Krakow

Międzynarodowy projekt partnerski Grundtvig International Voluntary Work Who-Why-What” był realizowany przy wsparciu finansowym Komisji Europejskiej w ramach programu „Uczenie się przez całe życie”. Zastrzega się, ze treści samego projektu i materiałów nie odzwierciedlają stanowiska Komisji Europejskiej czy Narodowej Agencji w danej sprawie, a w związku z tym ani Komisja Europejska ani Agencja Narodowa nie ponosi za nie odpowiedzialności, wyłączną odpowiedzialność za treść publikacji ponosi wydawca.

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